He asked me to
"build tower" with him. He said he wanted a
"big tower." And he wanted the Lego man on it too. And he wanted to use
all the
"Wego's."So, even though I'm desperately trying to clean the house and fold the laundry in between toddler meals and snacks, diapers changes and potty training, baby feedings, husband helpmeeting, work on one of our new ministry projects, and a million and one other things...
... we did.
And he was proud. So we took a picture to show Daddy, with the tower we built together and the tower he built all by himself.
Little Tait has grown up before my eyes! He's learned to talk (and utilizes his new-found skill quite often), learned to dress himself, learned to somersault.... And yet, it seems like almost yesterday he was in the hospital, struggling just to breathe. On the other hand, somehow it seems like he's always been here with us, that there was never life without him. I guess that's almost true, since we'd only had 6 months of married life before he surprised us 3 months earlier than expected. It's hard to believe that, come November, he'll be 3 years old already!
Just in the last 7 weeks, he's learned to be a big brother, too.
It was note quite 8 months after his due date that his first little brother arrived, and Little Tait and Miles have grown up more like twins than big and little brothers. So, in a way, this is his first experience big-brothering a baby.
Little Tait loves Matthew. Devotedly. He brings him toys, tries to comfort him when he cries (
"Happy! Happy, baby!" or a gentle "
shhhhh"), and asks to
"holdum" at every opportunity. He's learned how to be gentle (well, most of the time)....
He thought the flash in his eyes was "punny" [funny].
He suggests reasons why his little brother might be crying -
"Miss Papa? Miss Papa, baby?" (when Papa was out of town recently),
"Tummy hurt, Mom?" "Eat, Mom? Wants milk?"He's fascinated when I lay Matthew on a blanket on the floor and set up books for him to look at; he even recreates the setup for himself later to lie on the blanket and look at books. And he reads books to Matthew, showing him his favorite objects in the Richard Scarry books.
"Pickle car, baby?"
He's becoming a wonderful little helper, running lots of little errands for me throughout the day and helping with the care of his younger brothers.
I look forward to what God has in store for this young man as he continues to grow and learn! And I thank Lord that He has entrusted us with the daunting and humbling task of raising and training little arrows for His kingdom!
Why, hello there!
Note the dirt and grime on that grubby, boyish face. : )