Yes, one year ago today our second little guy was born! I had been on semi-bedrest since 25 weeks, and we were so thankful, by God's grace, to make it to 35!
We went into the hospital on the morning of last October 1st because of some minor spotting. When they got me hooked up to their monitor, they discovered that I was having fairly strong contractions about every 3 minutes, which was a surprise to me, since I don't feel most of my labor contractions.
Yes, I can see you turning green with envy.
But it's really not a good thing for me, since I'm supposed to check myself into OB Triage as soon I start feeling any out-of-the-ordinary contractions. It's kind of hard to know when to go in if I can't feel anything. You see, I tend to have very early babies, and have to have C-sections each time because of the kind of emergency C-section I had with my first. (So much for all of my homebirth water birth aspirations! But God had other plans....) It's all very complicated, and I won't bore you (or gross you out) with all of the details now. : )
Miles was born by scheduled C-section (much more laid back than my emergency C-section!) around 5 that evening. He had some trouble keeping his oxygen saturation up, which meant he couldn't nurse, which meant his blood sugar dropped too low ... which meant he was sent to the NICU. After a 3 month NICU stay with our firstborn, who came by surprise at 27 weeks, we really were not looking forward to another NICU stay. We agreed that our goal was to be out in one week at the most.
By the grace of God, exactly one week later we took Miles home!
Together with his brother at last! : )
Miles is a very happy baby, and such a joy to be around! His outgoing personality and quirky little smiles are a constant source of entertainment! He's a great sleeper, and has been known to sleep the day away more than once or play happily in his crib for hours after waking from a nap (which Mommy doesn't mind, of course). ;D
Little Tait is just 10 1/2 months older than Miles, and Miles loves playing with his big brother! He's picked up a few of Little Tait's favorite words - "fish" and "uh-oh" - in addition to "Mama" and "Dadda." Every time something falls to the floor, Little Tait utters a concerned "uh-oh," and Miles echoes with an adorable, almost subconscious "uh-oh" of his own.
Little Tait is extremely attentive to Miles, and constantly brings him toys, or makes sure he has food.
"No Little Tait, Miles can't eat almonds because he doesn't have any teeth, but thank you so much for sharing with him!"
Little Tait gets very worried when Miles gets into something he shouldn't and comes running to find me with his signature concerned expression (his lips have this adorable way of forming into a little "O" when something scares, bothers, or excites him), pointing in Miles' direction and yelling "Mom! Mom!" to get my attention. : )
I look forward to watching these little guys grow up together as best friends!
A few highlights from Miles' first year....
(photo by Peter Serven)

(photo by Erin)
(Can you believe they're all four looking at the camera? Well, more or less....
And some of them are even smiling!)
A few pictures from his birthday (we'll be celebrating Sunday)...
Happy Birthday S'Miles!!!
A little bit of Zimmerman Family Blog Trivia:
The background for the header of this blog was captured on the way into the hospital in Anchorage early on the morning that Miles was born.
Oh goodness, I never knew you took that picture (your header pic). That is amazing. You guys have such great scenery up there. Kansas, on the other hand, is kind of flat. I love it here, don't get me wrong, but still...
I have a few friends who've had vbacs at home. One had even had 2 c-sections. Don't give up hope!!
God bless your little one year old!
Aw he is adorable!! :)
Thanks so much for sharing. So good to get to "know" your precious family and see their faces.
Thanks for getting in contact with me and sending us the link to your family blog site--LOVE IT!
Hope you can come visit with your family can have the whole upstairs again--haha!! Which we changed a bit!!! But with little ones you are welcome to the downstairs rather!!!haha!!!
Anyway, love the pics keep posting I look forward to seeing more of them and those "epic" photos!
Mrs. Anita Kilpatrick
Your baby journey is very familiar to us! I had our first by emergency c section at 28 weeks. Our second was an emergency c-section at 35 weeks after a few months of bedrest, and I am also currently pregnant with our 3rd, due in late spring :D
C-Sections scare me, but I am so glad to live in a time when we can have them to safely bring our babies into this world!
He is adorable, I love bald headed babies! I am struggling with mine right now to leave his hat on, after a South Carolina summer, he does not see the need to wear anything on his head, despite 53 degrees outside!
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