Yes, it will be an exciting day all around! : )
At 17 weeks along, I just have about another month before I need to start taking it easy. Just 4 more weeks to finish all of the projects I need to tackle - cleaning out and organizing the storage area downstairs, filing all of the papers (and with real estate, that's a lot of papers!), organizing the kitchen (which was never really done effectively since we moved in 6 months ago), hosting a few dinner guests in our home, tackling the huge ironing and stain treatment piles (Tait needs "real estate" clothes ironed almost every day, so the ironing piles up quickly!), organizing and storing all of the baby clothes (they're pretty much completely organized, but I need to get the last batch of outgrown clothes squared away), working on a few business projects for Tait (I just love it that I'm able to help him with his business!), moving the last few boxes of our belongings from Tait's family's garage, and lots of other little tasks.
After those 4 weeks, I'm putting myself on some proactive semi-semi-bedrest. I was put on semi-bedrest with Miles at 25 weeks (no cooking, cleaning, errands, laundry, lifting over 10-15 pounds, or unnecessary walking). Yeah right! With a 24-pound+ 8-month-old, that wasn't quite feasible, but with Tait's mom's and sisters' help, we did hold Miles off until 35 weeks! Of course, our first came with no warning at 27 weeks.
This time around, I'm hoping to avoid doctor mandated bedrest or semi-bedrest completely by putting myself on a sort of proactive relaxed bedrest - not doing much beyond keeping everyone fed and our house in order, and taking an afternoon nap when the boys nap. Taking it easy is definitely not one of my strong points (I'm notorious for trying to pack too much into every day ... week ... month...), but I'll certainly try! Another NICU stay - after a total of 14 weeks in the NICU, between our two little guys - will not be welcome this time! Whatever the Lord has in store, though! We know that He's in control, as He was with our first two!
Please join us in praying for a smooth, full-term pregnancy this time around!
Little Tait - 11/6/08 - 27 weeks - 2lbs, 9oz
Miles - 10/1/09 - 35 weeks - 6lbs, 9oz

Little Tait (2 years) & Miles (14 months) - December, 2010
They've been through a lot, these little guys! And they've come a long way, by God's grace! We're so thankful for His hand in their lives!
Our goal is ... no IV's or feeding tubes in the next newborn pictures! : )

Little Tait (2 years) & Miles (14 months) - December, 2010
They've been through a lot, these little guys! And they've come a long way, by God's grace! We're so thankful for His hand in their lives!
Our goal is ... no IV's or feeding tubes in the next newborn pictures! : )
Hi Lauren - we've never met, but I wanted to leave a comment to let y'all know we're praying for you and the baby! Your trust in the Lord during this time is really inspiring.
Praying for that for you all Lauren. One time, the dr put me n "couch rest" I put up baby gates for my toddler and we hung out on the couch and living room for 2 weeks.
Thanks Lucy! Given our history, we need all of the prayers we can get! : ) We really appreciate it!
Stephanie - Yes, I'm trying to figure out exactly what will work. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get away with just a short afternoon nap every day and not doing too much. Hopefully I won't have to mess with figuring out how to lie down half the time! We'll see though....
Hi, we haven't met yet but I read your blog often and find your adventure in Alaska inspiring. My husband and I have visited Alaska and absolutely love it. I look forward to checking in on you and your darling family. I have a prayer for you and that new little bundle. I have twins that are now 25 years old, so I do understand your concerns. I think you have a good idea with the nap every day.My little bit of advice is rest when the kids rest...with your feet up.
Take care,
Your friend in Texas,
Three cheers for the exciting upcoming news and the dishwasher!! Can't wait to hear:)
You are a trooper dearie! Dealing with preemie's is not easy. Praying that everything will go smoothly and that the Lord will direct your paths is all things.
In Christ,
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