They have fun [make a mess], learn muscle control [spill water all over], stay busy for hours [create quite a cleanup job for me afterward], and get to "play" at the big sink, just like Mommy and Daddy [ingest lots of dishwater]! ;D
They're still at it ... and I just heard a big crash, followed by an "uh-oh". Sounded like stainless steel though, and not glass. I'm avoiding turning around to see what it was; Little Tait will let me know if it was anything serious. :D
On a side note [rampage].... Why do I have to pay $5.89 for a jar of organic dill pickles, just to avoid the nasty preservatives (come on - it's a fermented food; why do they need all those preservatives?) and food coloring (pickles are supposed to be green, not yellow, Vlastic!)? Pickles have been a recent craving of mine recently, and the thought of my intestines turning yellow and being preserved for centuries just doesn't appeal to me. I'm sure we'll spend a fortune on organic dill pickles before this craving passes! ;D (I can save about 50 cents a jar if I buy six of them through Not much of a savings, but at least it's something! Maybe I'll include it in my next Vitacost order.)
-End of Rant-

Less than 5 days until I get my "real" dishwasher, and we find out whether this little guy is a boy or a girl!
Lol, you're cute! I agree... why do they have to be so costly!
My fave part of this post, of course, is your storytelling of Little Tator Tot and (S)Miles! :D
That's great!! Gemma loves to "play water" as she calls it. Who knew a trickle and a sinkful of random dishes could be so excited. Keeps her attention every time though! It's a nice go-to activity!
And the pickles, bleh, hard to find good food sometimes. Have you thought of growing cukes in the summer and making your own? There are some fairly easy (and very tasty) pickle recipes out there I know. That probably doesn't help you in the midst of pregnancy in the dead of winter, but maybe for future reference...
Monica, yes I've definitely thought about doing my own! But, as you said, it's kind of hard to start that in the middle of winter. ;D I'm not sure how cucumbers do up here, but I'm definitely going to look into it! Homemade pickles would be so yummy! Oh, and the other difficulty is that just about the right time to plant a garden up here will be C-section time for me! (Bedrest before, and surgery recovery and new baby adjustment afterward!) That makes it a little difficult. :D
I totally understand about the preserveatives in foods. I love pickles too and can my own. You should give it a try. If I can do it, you can too. We have organic pickles year round and they are delicious. The recipe in on my blog. I am rather new at blogging and don't know how to take you right to it. But it was posted June 28, 2010.
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