Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2 Months Old!

We've entered the beginning of the "fun stage"
... the interactive stage!

Sure, those first two months are definitely some of my favorites, with all of the sleepy snuggles and quiet bonding. (In fact, it's right about this time that I start missing the newborn stage and feeling ready for another baby!) But it's always so exciting when those sleepy little baby dolls become interactive, interesting little characters ... when they make eye contact when you speak to them ... when they smile when you play with them ... when their big eyes follow you across the room as you walk away ... and when they start those first sweet coos of baby babble.

Matthew is normally a serious baby, with a furrowed brow and concerned expression, so those smiles are extra special little gems. I wasn't able to get any smiles from Mr. Serious during our 2-month photo shoot yesterday, but I did capture a few on my iPhone! Enjoy!

The beautiful, preppy blue blanket was handmade just for him by his great-aunt Chris!

And my two favorites....


Anonymous said...

What a precious baby! My little brothers name is Matthew, and he kind of looked like your Matthew when he was a baby!
God bless you and your family,

The Battlegrounds said...


I am less then a couple months from my new little guy and this pictures and reminders are so thrilling!!!

Mrs. Anita Kilpatrick

OurLilFullFam said...

So sweet! What a special blanket!


Elsie Gibbs said...

Wow! I LOVE the yawn and the blanket <3 What an adorable lil guy :)