Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coming May, 2011!


We were excited to be able to give Miles such an exciting birthday present this year! On his birthday, October 1, we discovered that we have a new little blessing - a future best friend for Little Tait and Miles - due some time in May!

We are so thankful that the Lord has blessed us again!

I'm feeling well - no nausea this time around, which is a welcome change! (My hopes are high that it might indicate a pink baby. ;D) I'm definitely more tired than usual, and am battling some crankiness (sorry Tait and little guys!), but of course it's all worth it! Comparatively easy pregnancies are definitely something to be thankful for!

Haha, I just realized that just because I'm not sick constantly during pregnancy doesn't mean that my pregnancies are "easy"! Honestly, I'd rather battle severe nausea than premature labor!

Please be praying with us that I'm able to take it easy as much as possible, that we don't have to deal with any bedrest, and that this little one arrives much closer to his or her due date than the boys (who were born at 27 and 35 weeks respectively).

Thank you for your prayers!


OurLilFullFam said...

Aw, that is wonderful! I will pray for a healthy full-term baby for you all!

Are you allowed to take red raspberry leaf tea? It is a uterine strengthner. My midwife loves it, but of course I would ask your doctor. I know several people from the qf board take it as well.

Again, congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Oh Lauren--so thrilled for you..what a blessing!!!

I know after some boys a mama longs to see some pink, but also loves those rowdy boys thay make us feel young!

So happy for you an thankful to the Lord for a godly family and more arrows!!!

I will pray for you as I am one always sick--for like 5 mths not eating kinda sick. Thanks for helping me to remember to be thankful!

Blessings to you and your wonderful family!

Mrs. Anita M Kilpatrick